We welcome and value all children and their parents. Our aim is to provide a safe and happy environment where all children and adults are treated with equal respect and where children are nurtured and can flourish. All children are encouraged to learn and develop as they play, taking into account their individual needs and stages of development. The Pre-school has a Christian ethos, deriving our inspiration and values from the life and message of Jesus Christ.
We aim to help children to develop and achieve their full potential by:
welcoming and valuing all children and their families and carers and treating all children and adults equally, respecting cultural or religious beliefs and home/family circumstances.
providing a safe, secure and happy environment where children are nurtured and can flourish taking into account their individual needs and interests.
providing a differentiated, broad and balanced curriculum that supports each child in every stage of their development in the Early Years Foundation Stage and celebrates their successes.
encouraging children to become self-confident and independent.
working in partnership with parents and carers and encouraging communication between Pre-school and home.
liaising with other providers and professionals involved in the children’s care.
We aim to develop children’s self-esteem, positive relationships and appropriate behaviour by:
providing a positive environment with an emphasis on praise, loving care, good example and caring supervision of a wide variety of activities.
providing positive role models for all individuals, both children and adults.
maintaining clear and consistent expectations of what is appropriate language and behaviour.
ensuring every child is given equal opportunity to achieve his or her full potential whatever their needs or abilities.
encouraging children to respect, care for and support each other.
We aim to encourage children to value the achievements, cultures and beliefs of themselves and others by:
providing carefully planned activities through which children can explore their own and other cultures.
displaying work, giving out stickers and encouraging children to share their experiences both individually and in group situations.
encouraging families to bring in photos of family far and near, bring in stories from home and pictures from special family celebration times and places, to share in the setting.
We aim to encourage an awareness of the benefits of a safe and healthy lifestyle by:
encouraging and promoting self-care skills including oral hygiene supported by the new curriculum in the EYFS.
providing a balance of quiet and energetic activities as well as planning activities and themes around safety and health supported through the Early Years curriculum.
encouraging children to choose healthy drinks and snacks at drinks time and tasting sessions.
supporting parents and guiding them with the help of Heathy Early years London towards what constitutes a healthy packed lunch.
We maintain confidentiality at all times unless matters of a Child Protection nature arise (see Safeguarding Policy).